OK, a damn busy day and I'm still feeling bad...
Anyway, cool stuff:
- Got MechWarrior 3. This game rocks. It really does.
- I downloaded the Wacom drivers. Now Win98SE boots a bit faster, but it's still damn slow. Downloaded the Sidewinder software but it still refuses to find my Sidewinder 3D Pro.
- Got Enigma's MCMXC a.d.... this thing rocks, too.
Microsoft's software naming is kind of odd. Now I don't know if I have downloaded joystick drivers or drivers for air-to-air missiles... Who knows, maybe MS just needed to aquire USAF in order to make Combat Flight Simulator. =)
The last CD is remarkable: The first CD I've bought due to Napsterizing, and the first CD I used CDDB/FreeDB with.
Note that it's not the first CD I've bought because of MP3 stuff: The first CD I bought because of music found from the net was U2's collection CD (Active Worlds had "New Year's Day" as the background music - as MIDI! - so I later got the MP3 via FTP sitez, and then later I got U2's record.) Hmmmmm... or did I get Metallica's Black Album before this one? Can't remember...
Oh, break: The appropriate Sonera joke isn't "Make Things Suck"; All you need to do is to translate "Make Things Click" as "Ja Jossain Klikkaa". =)
I'm using the CD-ROM drive headphone output thing first time in n+5 years. HDD is full of all sorts of unnecessary stuff (like ~1GB of MP3s and OGGs, so can't rip that CD yet...
Oh, why CD-ROM headphone connector? Well, turned CD volume up from mixer, but I still couldn't hear a thing... Strange hardware...
Other day logs o' mine...
Noded today: MCMXC A.D. Active Worlds FreeDB