Lunch: broiler beefs. Triangle sandwich.
Bored as hell, but I guess the day will get more exciting...
Tip: Don't try to make sense of Linuga::Romana::Perligata in the middle of the night, if you want to wake up early the next day! =)
A worrying thought: The DVDs I ordered yesterday were "Region 0, NTSC". Region 0 should be fine, but what about the NTSC thing? I'm surprised if my DVD player won't play it somehow, though - either a) the data can be played, because the MPEG data is not tied to specific analog TV norm and the player can change as necessary or b) a century of technological progress, and we still have a signal incompatibility...
(Well, there was a chapter of playing NTSC stuff on the player manual, so maybe I'm not Doomed.)
A new issue of Pelit came (A lot of stuff about BattleTech and all 'Mech games! Very interesting!!) and I got two new DVDs (Pokémon 2 - this has cuuuuuute Vulpixes! - and Life of Brian...)
Too bad the Life of Brian has very few extras and the extras found on the Pokémon movie are not too generous either... Also, Pokémon: The First Movie was rated (by local film classification board) S (for all ages), but Pokémon 2 is rated to be fit for ages 7 and up! With this pace, Pokémon 5 will be for ages 18 and up... =)
(Personally, I think the second movie is a lot better than the first one, but I wouldn't rank either as good movies. Anyway, among the best movies based on computer/video games, though...)
So, I did some more CD covers for my burned CDs (even when my printer is messing up the ink again). one for Final Fantasy V: Dear Friends The L33ch Edition and one for my TiMidity-powered Ultima soundtrack album.
The latter album was fun to make earlier, but the problem was that even when I could easily find 30 great tracks for the album (with 3 different arrangements of Stones *g*) the total length was only 45 minutes or so!
Other day logs o' mine...
Noded today by y.t.:
salami technique
Vulpix BattleMech