life as a fractal

Life is a fractal: a huge overall structure which replicates itself at a smaller size, then smaller, then smaller, down and down and down until the parts are almost impossible to see, but if you were able to look closer you could see that they have the same shape as the larger structure of which they are a part.

The goal of my life is to enjoy myself as much as possible, and right now I'm trying to relax while still doing something somewhat productive, and now my goal for this node is to make people think, and now it's to reveal something about me, and now it's to convey this concept as best I can, and now it's to complete this thought effectively, to finish this sentence, to finish this word, to type this letter. A series of goals, spiraling down tinier and tinier but still recognizable as having the same shape as that of which they are a part, if you zoom in far enough, so that life is just a series of nested and nested and nested goals, and in the end what it comes down to is that every moment of your life is a triumph; every infinitesimal instant, you have something to strive for, and every instant you're achieving something, be it activating the neurons in your brain to complete a thought or nodding your head to acknowledge the praise that your thought received.

Some things are so small you hardly even notice them; the search for a key on the keyboard is over almost before you start thinking about doing it, but it's a step, however small, on the way to a larger task. Letters combine to make words, words combine to make clauses, clauses make sentences, sentences make paragraphs, and so on, and when you're done you have an overall shape which depends on the smaller parts and reflects them, and your writings combine to reflect your mind which spins off these smaller but still beautiful copies of its contents, and meanwhile your cells form skin and bones and organs, all containing and reflecting the DNA that makes you who you are, and all these aspects of your being mirror each other and exhibit that similarity of structure that allow them to combine to create You.

And yet You are still only a tiny, infinitesimal part of an incomprehensibly larger Fractal, which if you could zoom out far enough you would see contains all of Creation, and you would see how beautiful it is, and you would see that in a way, if you look at it just right, in a way it looks like a huge version of You, and you would realize that no matter how small you feel, you are part of this beauty, and all this is tied up in who You are, and you are truly meant to be here. And you would understand that the fractal is not perfect, but that for all its flaws it is so amazing that you can only marvel at the good fortune that allowed you to be part of it.