One of the oddest and coolest ways to get around downtown Miami, the Metromover system is a small elevated people mover with stops every couple of blocks along its four loops.

These are the Brickell Loop to the south, the Omni Loop to the north, and the central Inner and Outer loops.

The driverless cars run approximately every two to five minutes, depending on the time of day and how well the system is behaving.

What follows is an attempt at explaining the loops in an ASCIIified form:

A map of the Metromover system:
1 ---- 2 -----
            6 Omni Loop
  ||          ||=15=||  All loops run in this area
  9                 ||
  ||                14  
  ||--10--           ==13
  ||      |            ||
      south|   |north
            \ /
             |  Brickell Loop
      \__ 21

The stations:
Loops: O=Omni, I=Inner, U=Outer, B=Brickell
Station              Loop
1 School Board          O
2 Omni Mall             O   (Omni bus terminal)
3 Bicentennial Park     (closed - special events only?)
4 Eleventh Street       O
5 Park West             O
6 Freedom Tower         O
7 College North         O, I, U, B
8 Arena/State Plaza     O, I, U, B
9 Government Center     O, I, U, B * Metrorail
10 Miami Avenue         I
11 Third Street         O, U, B
12 Knight Center        O, I, U, B
13 Bayfront Park        O, I, U, B
14 First Street         O, I, U, B
15 College/Bayside      O, I, U, B
16 Riverwalk            B
17 Fifth Street         B
18 Eighth Street        B
19 Tenth Street         B
20 Brickell             B          * Metrorail
21 Financial District

A slightly late update: Since the passing of the People's Transportation Plan, the Metromover is now free to ride. It used to cost 25 cents.

All of the loops run counterclockwise, except for the Inner Loop, which runs clockwise. An automatic LCD sign at each station, if it's working correctly, will inform you which train goes where.