The days have not been easy, and the nights less so.

Looking out the window, I can see only this white mush falling from the sky. I can’t tell if it’s snow, rain, or some combination of the two. I know only that it has stolen all the colour from the sky, and cast a blanket of grey over the world.

Sometimes I think that it gets under the skin when you don’t pay attention to it, it gets between the joints, and it makes you tired, and old.


You can fly, you know you can. The key is in the lungs.


Watching the tail end of breakups, it’s hard not to see sides of your friends you didn’t know existed. While watching your friend unpack a box of things, for example, related to the former object of his affections. Watching him describe the circumstances of each item, seeing a broken dream in each one.

“Oh look, and here’s the ring she gave me.” He gets up, and starts wandering idly into the bedroom. “Now where’s my hammer...