The time that a planet takes to orbit the Sun.
Since the distance that a planet is from the Sun and its orbital speed is different for every planet, this value is different for each planet.
Planet Sidereal period Average orbital speed
Mercury 88.0 days 47.9 km/s
Venus 224.7 days 35.0 km/s
Earth 365.3 days 29.8 km/s
Mars 687.0 days 24.1 km/s
Jupiter 11.86 years 13.1 km/s
Saturn 29.46 years 9.6 km/s
Uranus 84.01 years 6.8 km/s
Neptune 164.8 years 5.4 km/s
Pluto 247.7 years 4.7 km/s
To clarify, the days/years mentioned in the table as a measure of sidereal period are Earth days, not the day length for the specific planet.