I haven't day-logged for a while, because I have a policy of ensuring my WU's are of a high quality. As a result, I now have a C! ratio of 50% (except it is now less since I have written this). I don't count my day-log's as anything more than NfN but I felt I had some things to say today.

Since my last day-log, I have won a scholarship/internship with Sun Microsystems in Palo Alto, CA for 2 months this summer so I am really looking forward to that. I haven't been to the States since I was 12, I haven't even left England for 4 years. I will be working with their Java development people and it's great CV material. I don't go until July so this means that, after I finish my exams in 10 days, I have 6 whole weeks to catch up with all of those little jobs that I keep putting off since starting university. These include re-learning how to play the piano.

Look out! He's got a tomato!

I would like to share a story related to me by a housemate yesterday. I don't think it merits its own node (although the title would certainly be a good one) so I will write it here:

We were discussing Scientology and my friend mentioned a photograph of L. Ron Hubbard that showed him performing a psychology test on a tomato plant. For a laugh, he thought it would be fun to get his brother to photograph him outside the Dublin Church of Scientology (now closed, apparently) holding a tomato next to the "Free Psychology Test" sign in the window.

As they started taking some pictures, they were spotted by people inside and someone went to remove the sign from the window. As they did so, they exclaimed,

"Look out! He's got a tomato!"
00:30 am

Sat up to watch a thunderstorm. It is the first one I have seen in a long time and I wasn't disappointed. The lightning was particularly spectacular and the perpetual orange glow of the street lights gave the lightning a mauve tinge. The thunder was enough to rattle the windows of my room (but that might just be due my dodgy windows).

It finally passed after an hour so I went to bed.