So, here I sit, 2 in the morning, with my corn chips and my
peppermint tea. Ah, the unbridled joys of insomnia. Which is normally
ok, except for when my brain has turned mushy and I can't think
straight and can't remember what I just read. Doh.
My brain is flipping rapidly from topic to topic, and I can't seem
to concentrate on any one thing for very long unless I really put my
mind to it. I've got like sixteen browser windows open, and I'm trying
to read them all at once. ADD, or too much caffeine?
I read in Discover magazine this evening about how research at NASA
has led to a system where kids can be taught to overcome their ADD by
playing video games. The research originally focused on keeping
pilots from getting bored by monitoring their brain waves and giving
them something to do if boredom set in. One of the researchers decided
to wire something up to some playstation controllers so that the
brain waves of these kids could control something just by paying
attention. It looks pretty cool, and apparently works better than
Ritalin, but takes longer for any noticeable results to show up and is
more expensive.
Hmmm, it's my sister's birthday today. Happy birthday Lisa!