Here's a strange little bedtime story about one of my favorite films, and how life imitiates art imitates life.
As it happens, The Godfather was produced by Paramount Pictures. Paramount at this time was owned by Gulf + Western. The CEO of Gulf + Western was a man by the name of Charles Bludhorn. Reports are Bludhorn enjoyed trading fraudulent stocks with one Michele Sindona, head banker of the Roman Curia, and the brains behind the Vatican Bank. Moreover, Sindona was a member of p2, and a member of the Mafia. In 1972, the same year that The Godfather was being filmed, Bludhorn was slapped by the FEC for his trades with Sindona.
As it happens, part of the land where the film was being shot was owned by an Italian company named Immobiliare (meaning "biggest landlord") which had previously been owned by the Vatican, but sold by Sindona. Reportedly, Sindona kept an interest in Immobiliare, and when Paramount was filming The Godfather, some of this rent to Immobiliare went directly to Sindona.
And so, a film about the Mafia funneled money to the Mafia. Years later, in The Godfather Part III, Coppola would make a nod to this, by incorporating the Vatican banking scandal, Immobiliare, and the death (assassination?) of John Paul I into the script.