November 1

All Saints' Day: Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church; honors those who have been recognized by the Church to be with God in Heaven and act as intercessors for the faithful on earth. A Christianization of the Celtic holy day Samhain; formerly called All Hallows' (for the holy--sainted--people), which gives us the origin of Halloween.

Samhain: The first day of November (Samhain in Gaelic), the first day of winter and of the year according to the Celtic calendar.

Kalendis Nouemberis: (K.NOV.) The first day of winter according to the Roman calendar. A dies fasti.

  • On this day in 82 BCE the Romans successfully defended an attack by the Sabines at the Colline Gate.

Feast of Isis: Begins the three day Festival of Isis, celebrating her rescue of Osiris from the dead. Honored in Egypt and Rome.

October 31 < < | > > November 2

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