With regard to the distinction made in the previous writeup about the different provinances of Cohiba cigars, it is important to point out that "not Cuban" does not equal "not good". Many excellent brands of cigars are made elsewhere in the Caribbean, and it is only their scarcity in the US that gives authentic Cuban cigars their mythological status as the best cigars in the world. Like so many things in life, this too is a matter for personal taste.

I have smoked the Dominican Republic made Cohibas and they are in fact my favourite cigars - mellow, smooth, sweet tasting and with no trace of the acrid aftersmell that marks a mediocre cigar. They mellow well as you smoke them, not getting tarry towards the end of the cigar, and don't fall apart in your mouth as some more delicate cigars unfortunately tend to.

Of course, in the US Cuban cigars carry a fantastic price premium, and it is important not to be duped - but if you like a good cigar, and all you can afford are Dominican Republic Cohibas, you are not in the least to be pitied...