Somewhere out there is a nurse named Tina. This woman met a fellow in 1997 who told her that he died, came back from the dead, and went on a three year mission to find her because she kept appearing in his dreams asking him to find her. She then became intently focused on finishing nursing school after being on the edge of failing when she met him. Why? Because she believed him and because she did not feel herself worthy of this.

She said he changed her life and gave her faith. And she set out to be worthy. She saw him again when she was working in the oncology ward when his friend was living his final days there.


Somewhere out there is a nurse on a mission to be worthy of a man coming back from the dead in order to find her and believe in her. She began to believe in herself. And now she is out there somewhere today, still on this mission.

She is one of an army at the front of this fight we all now face. She is one of many.

There are a million stories out there... a million brave characters... and many of them are on a mission.

We ride forward into the unknown. The golden sky is at our backs. We ride.

Be well. Be safe.