The world is not, and was not, composed of matter in the same form as it was ejected from the Big Bang. The world came into being
billions and billions of years later. By that point, the maybe mostly-
carbon matter had aggregated into stars; if it was carbon, collapsing onto itself with enough
gravitational force to break down whatever was there before heating up enough to begin the
fusion cycle up again, by fusing
hydrogen into
helium. Stars are essentially big
fusion furnaces, and when they run out of hydrogen, they will collapse and with the higher temperatures available begin fusing helium into even more elements. All
gold in the universe is expelled from
supernovae, essentially; that's the only event hot enough to fuse elements up into gold. The
alchemists would've got an awful shock if they'd actually managed to create the correct conditions for
transmutation here on
Earth, moments before there wasn't an Earth anymore. In any case, amongst all this violence and
plasma transitions, there's plenty of room for
electrons to have gotten stripped, juggled, and asymetrically reaggregated. Heck, once you have the elements, all our planet needs to create a honking lot of 'em is
solar energy, the
earth's magnetic field, and maybe the
van Allen belts 'cuz they have such a cool name and pop up everywhere else. Then you get lightning. Lightning predates life. Maybe it
catalyzed that first
carbon-chemistry soup into something viable. In fact, scientists
jazzing replicas of the
primordial soup with artificial lighting have observed the beginnings of
DNA form in their highly instrumented
Anyway, can you give references for the 'it was mostly carbon' theory? I'm curious now. :-)
Disclaimer: I may be talking entirely out of my behind. I'm a liberal arts major.