Hey there, E2.

It's been a while since I checked in. I'm in a very different place from where I've been the past few years.

My experience with bariatric surgery has, so far, been quite successful. From approximately 365 lbs, I'm now fairly steady at 201. So very close to my initial goal of 195, but no cigar - still, I'll take it! My health is better, my depression is mostly in remission (I don't like saying 'gone'), and I'm interested in things again. I just ordered a motorcycle. I'm actively thinking about future financial planning. I'm enjoying things. I don't know what's going to happen there, but i'm going day by day.

Hey, 30-year old me: it gets better. I'm sorry it's going to take a while for you, but you're not a failure, and you're going to win. The fight long fought is one worthier than the victory barely contested, right? Builds character. You're going to win.

Take care.

(Not leaving. Just...busy with things. With life.)