I would say that cutting edge Christianity is the only real Christianity out there. It's not the stuffy, stuck up variety with which all Christians are, it seems, automatically compared and associated. When this happens, I get really pissed off.

I consider myself and would validate others as Christian when they show it in their lives, when they do what they were supposed to do instead of becoming petty, gossiping, hard-hearted assholes that the world seems to take them for.

Some attributes I would list for cutting edge Christianity:

Respect for other people's beliefs instead of condescending to them.

Opening of your heart and home to those who need shelter, not just to those who look like good charity cases.

Exemplifying Christian characteristics but not professing perfection.

Being in the world and avoiding tribalism.

I know Christians are annoying, but I'm a Christian and I hope I'm not annoying. I don't like most of them myself. Some of them actually are trying to do as they are supposed to, and even if I may not be the best example, I do try. Just keep that in mind when you slam Christians, and if you must, at least show that you have educated yourself on both sides of the issue. We're not all inbred hicks.