I see alot of other "throwaway cars" out on the road. I think about and '86 Plymouth Colt as having once been brand new, on a lot, with a shiny price tag in its window. I wonder who would have bought one new, paid the most for a car that will ever be paid for it. College kids maybe, or a teen with a new license, or grandma and grandpa, after the sedan finally died.

It's hard to think that these were ever new. It seems like they were born old, like some people seem to have been, born with a history that is spelled out when you sit in the driver's seat.

Both my cars have been grandma cars: low mileage, pristine interior, little to no residue of personal touches. They seemed to be void of a past, yet aged, having survived a teleport from their build date to the present. It is something so lost on most young Americans that it makes me wonder if the concept of not having inherant history is lost on the young

As an aside, I've always been bummed out to see that the only males driving Festivas are hairy, old, or fat men who are excessively disproportionate to their vehicles. The same could be said when I drove a Geo Metro. I guess these cars will not draw younger men that I may find attractive, but I kind of wish just once I could see a cute guy parked at a stop light next to me driving a blue or black version of my car.

Truth is, most guys I find attractive, the boyish looking examples of my theory on Small-Framed Guys, are driving early model Hondas or Nissans, the boxy sedans in their faded metallic hues, tooling down the interstate, probably listening to Dead Milkmen or Circle Jerks. These are the kind of guys, the aloof artist geek types, that shake my waking world.

I find that the fact about their less than palatable autos very fitting. It shows me that they may not be making the big bankroll, but their car is paid for, it runs and that's all that really matters. These guys are not likely to spend whatever re-routed fundage on their girls (if they have them), and that is fine with me also. I would like to think they were putting their money into whatever interests drive their passion home.

I'm not sure. Maybe they're just losers. But I think it's a beautiful theory.