SoMeTiMeS In LiFe, ThInGs NeVer SeeM WhAt ThEy ArE, ThEy SeeM To Be UnReaL! AlWaYs ReMeMbEr To TaKe LiFe As It CoMeS, NeVeR LooK FoR ThE ThInGs ThAt NeVeR CaN Be, OpEn YoUr EyEs AnD TaKe ALL ThAt Is GiViN. DoNt ReFuSe ThE GooD ThInGs, BuT StAy AwAy FrOm ThE ThInGs ThAt CaN Do YoU HaRm. LoVe, HaPPiNeSS, FrEiNdShIp, HoNeSty, TrUtH, ReSpEcT, LoYaLtY, AnD YoU ArE ALL ThAt OnE NeeDs To LiVe A GooD LiFe!!!!!!! SmiLE,ALL ThInGs In TiMe Do GeT BeTTeR If YoU LeT It!"
- user since
- Sat Mar 3 2001 at 05:39:40 (23.8 years ago )
- last seen
- Tue Mar 13 2001 at 02:49:59 (23.7 years ago )
- level / experience
- 1 (Initiate)
- specialties
- ART: drawing, painting
- school/company
- motto
- Live Life to the Fullest; Smile, all things get better in time, if you let it...
- Send private message to TeXaS_TrOuBLe55