Sylphs are air elementals and considered to be of the highest order in the hierarchy of air fae. They are often asked to aid with ceremonial magic by practitioners of Faery Wicca. Sylphs are considered to be native to Greece and Egypt, but may have originated in the Middle East as faery lore has it. Both Arab and Egyptian mystics declared them to be archetypal representatives of air and the east.

Unlike some fae, Sylphs are active all year round and can be called on to aid in any ritual, especially those involving the element air and east.

Small in appearance, they have wings and a vaguely human shape, though slightly elongated and are fairly transparent. Their wings are very buoyant and appear to defy gravity, as a result it is believed that there are solely for appearance purposes; perhaps even just a mere projection of the human mind to justify their appearance of flying. They are known for their fickleness and changeability.