Today is the first day that I use the site Everything2. I cannot remember how I found this site, nor can I find any reason for me coming across this website. Rather, the site simply popped into my wandering frame of vision. Of course, that wasn't a bad thing. Finding this site was like stumbling upon a rare jewel while spelunking through a field of mud. There exists so much history and culture behind this odd (at least, to me) website on the internet. Now that I have written how I feel about this website, I will move onto other, less important things going on. Not that there is much to talk about. I came off work yesterday-or rather, last evening. I only work weekends (plus Friday), at my father's subway station convenience stores. I would not complain about the job, as I rarely complain about anything, but I have to say-the job is truly revolting. five to ten hour shifts, with no bathroom breaks and a tiny store that is around 9-10 degrees warmer inside than outside. There are also no lunch breaks, as lunch would normally allow for a visit to the bathroom, which cannot be done due to the fact that running the store is a one man show. There is also the ever present problem of petty thieves...