My body has let me down today, even though it has exceeded my expectations of late. I woke up with spasms on the left side of my body, right underneath the left rib. I think it might be my kidneys or liver (I never did take high school biology). It hurts like the plague and even has a lump there. I went to my doctor only to have him tell me that it might simply be due to muscle swelling as a result of all that exercise of late. "If it is bruised tomorrow, come back or go to the hospital as it might be due to internal bleeding." Lovely thought to be having the rest of the day. It could be nothing or something traumatically serious. Stupid quacks. That's what almost a decade of post secondary education does for you.

Its been another short day. Days off are gifts from a divine entity I tell myself every time I don't have work. I decided not to go to school today as it may seem to be a waste of time since its simply out of the book. Besides, all I need to do between now and the end of the year is get Steph's number so that we can study but other than that, there isn't really else about it. I'm glad that I'm in Langara College right now as its much slower paced, but more concentrated for me. Besides, in my condition, I rather not have to get MrFurious to have to take care of my whining.

I stayed home, reading and cooking dinner. My sister and I went to Ikea to exchange some stupid bookcases that they wanted. Saw Jenn there, and wanted to talk to her but didn't think much about it. To think about it, I do sound like I'm enamoured but its simply a matter of staring due to physical attraction rather than intellectual intrigue. Shallow as it may be, I'm only human. I used to think otherwise but I believe the statement was "You deny that fact in an attempt to suppress that facet of your reality." I'm older by the minute and I can't afford any more wasted time.

After about 2.5 hours of Counterstrike at the nearby internet cafe, we drive home Mike. The people there were terrible. By-laws do not allow indoor smoking but I suppose that doesn't apply to Richmond Asian Establishments. Made me almost vomit, as the smell of marijuana and tobacco combined do not make the most appealing smell.

I get home, only for the blistering pain to increase its occurence. Maybe its a sign of things to come for the rest of the week. Or maybe its oversleeping. I wonder if that's a medical condition. Not narcolepsy, but oversleeping. Maybe. But still, if this is the price of physical improvement, I keep doing it. I simply have to get over the initial shallowness of my potential female partner as she gets to know my hopefully more interesting inner self. As wrong as that may sound, it does seem applicable in real life as my research dictates that friendships usually start due to some sort of physical attraction, whether it may be minor or not so minor. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm not. That's okay. It's good for my heart anyways right?

Anyways, I think the remainder of the night will be spent padding my left side, preparing myself for sleep. I personally haven't felt this badly since a fight left me feeling like a tenderized piece of meat in grade 4. Ah. Nostalgia. What else could go wrong? I rather not ask.