(Mostly spoiler-free)

2004, Written and directed by Enki Bilal
Adaptation of the comic book Nikopol trilogy (BDs La Foire aux Immortels (1980) Gods in Chaos, La femme piege (1986) The Female Trap and Froid Equateur (1992) The Coldness of Equator) by Bilal himself.

A cryogenically frozen convict falls from earth's orbit into a decrepid, late 21st century New York. Hovering above the city is a giant pyramid in which the ancient egyptian gods have returned to earth to grant the last request of banished Horus, condemned to lose his immortality. The human and deity convicts cross paths ...


Deserter from the early 21st century who returns to earth after several decades of cryogenic suspension
Egyptian God of humanoid form having a falcon head. His last request before banishement was to roam the earth for seven days
Jill Bioskop
Strange blue woman. All her pigmentation is blue; blue hair, blue eyes, blue tears, blue lips, blue nipples... Has very strange powers.

Comic VS Movie differences:

- March 2004 in Europe
- May 2004 in Japan
- No dates for North America and the rest of the world ...