I think 'syntax', like most people who saw this movie, missed the point of it.

Tyler Durden, and all the anger and hate both he and the protagonist show to women, society, and themselves throughout much of the movie are not the 'answer' Fight Club puts forward.

While much of Fight Club suggests that violence is the answer, the critical part of the movie occurs after 'Jack' (the protagonist) realizes that he is Tyler. At his point, Jack rejects the violence and the nihilism of their 'fight club', and tries to reverse the damage he's done - to his 'army', and to Marla.

There's a reason Tyler dies at the end of the movie. All his rebellion is ultimately shallow - as syntax rightly points out. Jack's true rebellion comes when he refuses to become Tyler. Tyler 'talks the talk' but his rebellion is merely a reflection of what he hates: where society tells Jack that all violence is bad, Tyler decides that violence is good. Because Jack feels rejected and unworthy of women ("I can't get married. I'm a 30 year-old boy"), Tyler is misogynistic, and violent towards women.

Essentially, Tyler is the antithesis of Jack's personality when the movie begins. And when Jack is finally able to destroy that antithesis, it is because he has found a third way - one in which he doesn't have to be a corporate drone or a nihilistic rebel.

Fight Club isn't sexist. Marla's initial demonization is through Jack's eyes: he hates her because she is like him, and because he wants her, and so she is portrayed as nihilistic femme fatale. Many of the characters are sexist, but one of the themes of the movie is that this only makes them more unhappy. Jack only becomes happy at the end of movie when he's told Marla that he likes her, and is standing with her watching the office buildings collapse.

Now it is certainly arguable that most of the people who saw this movie came out of it with Tyler's beliefs reinforced in them: certainly some of the people I know who saw the film enjoyed the mindless violence and misogyny, and ignored the fact that the movie did not really promote either. That said, I think the solution is for people to pay closer attention to the construction of the story.