Outside of cartoons and science fiction, a vaporizer is an electronic device that converts the "essential oils" from cannabis into a gas. The machine heats an element and the ground up marijuana placed on a screen next to the heating source turns the oil to vapor through convection.
There are two types of vaporizers on the market I endorse, they work either like the brands Volcano or Digi-Vapor. Brands like the Volcano use a fan to push the air over the heating source and then across the herb. While brands like the Digi-vapor do not, relying on the person's lungs to pull the air. One type is not better than the other is, but one will fit the users’ needs better. The Volcano type has a tray that slides in over a vent blowing hot air and the vapors collect in a bag. These types are good for people with weakened lungs, and are short of breath; they are consistent on how much they fry the weed. From my experiences, these types leave more oil behind though. Now, the Digi-Vapor kind will have a glass on glass structure known as whip or a hands free kit. It is an 18mm wide female bong stem looking piece with a polyurethane tube attached at the other end. The whip slides on the heating source after adding the desired substance on to the screen and that is it. Just suck it. The downside is bowls can combust half way through because of the different speeds at which people inhale, once it combusts it renders it worthless due to taste.
The temperature range to vaporize the cannabinoids is around 110C/230F to 200C/390F or the boiling point of THC. I never turn the device up to 390F myself, I prefer to stop around 330-350F. This is because I prefer my bud cured to the point they are completely dry and they will ignite quickly if I do. I have found, if the heating source is set at a high temperature it works best to pull the air in a little faster, not too fast as to cool it off too much, but when it's set at a lower temperature it's better to draw more slowly allowing the temperature to build through circulation. This idea will also work well when setting the fan speed on the volcano types.
In my personal opinion, the vaporizer is the best thing invented since the joint, and is bud's new best friend. Whoever rolled and smoked weed first was a genius, but the first person to figure out it was possible to get high without combustion was the smartest person ever. However, the people who first thought they could duplicate the role of a vaporizer by using a light bulb or heat gun have smoked themselves retarded, and are not the best people to receive information.
Heat guns are for other applications and the factory settings will be too hot, the weed instantaneously ignites causing smoke and rendering any attempt at vaporization futile. In addition, when it ignites by spontaneous combustion it tastes like straight asshole. Therefore, I do not know why people keep doing it. Stop it! Just buy a dedicated device already. Now days, a portable vaporizer sells for less than $200 retail. They cost about the same price as a heat gun. Anyway, there is not a homemade vaporizer that can stand up to hot knifing or any kind of oil rig.
For starters, light bulbs filled with a powder first need cleaning, which is next to impossible to remove all of that fine crap. Inhale this matter and it is kind of is defeating the purpose of vaporizing for a healthier life style. Not to mention the inability to keep the heat at a constant makes things harder than they need to be, and the list goes on why you should not use a light bulb, like people might think you are smoking methamphetamines. The next type of vaporizer is a heat gun, which I discussed previously, and is not any better than the light bulb. There are no substitutions for a device dedicated to marijuana, no matter the price range. Real heat guns for decals and such will run too hot to vaporize marijuana, even a hair dryer on high might even work better at vaporization, but I do not think it will reach a hot enough temperature for complete vaporization. Nevertheless, the heat gun devices designed and sold for weed is designed to work with a bong, and the vapors are filtered through water, which is bad because the vapor molecule is much cooler than that of smoke, so the water does not do anything but trap the stuff that will get you high.
A vaporizer can save upwards to 70% of the THC from the intense heat flame and embers produce, and will generally vaporize around 90-95% of the Trichomes. A vaporizer will also decrease the amount of inhaled carcinogens over smoking. If used correctly the carcinogens produced are practically zero due to fact little or none of the plant matter ignites. Another positive outcome from vaporization rather than combustion is the reduction of odor, therefore; it is less of a nuisance to people nearby. Since the vapor is cooler and filled with less particulate, it makes it easier for the lungs to accept larger dosages. Yet, since the consumption is through inhalation, the high that will result is not necessarily going to last longer than normal smoke, it can be slightly stronger and more clear-minded. None of that foggy retardation feeling associated with carbon monoxide. Yet it is still not as easy to over-dose as when consuming edibles, it does happen though. Being able to see and feel how much is inhaled gives the users an over-all sense of dosage taken in, in contrast edibles provide a method far more suited for over dose. First off, digestion causes the THC molecule to become more potent in the majority of users; and secondly, it takes precise calculations based on potency to achieve an estimated dosage for edibles. That dosage is than usually larger than the typical dose when inhaled.
By over dose, since THC is practically a harmless substance, the symptoms a person experiences during an over dose build from anxiety to light-headedness followed by nausea and shallow breathing. In extreme cases, some people vomit. No Human being has ever died from the effects of marijuana. However, typically people will only pass out when they get too high. The “I really need a nap after I stuff my face” kind of pass out. No person has ever stopped breathing or slipped into a coma. Reaching these points of over dosage all depends on a person’s personal tolerance, current emotional and physical state, the environment and immediate company in which they are in all play a role.
Vaporizers allow so much more play in inhaling marijuana over smoking by changing the temperature at which the heat source is set, in doing so, this is allowing medical patients to achieve their desired effects. Making the vaporizers in which the user can set the temperature manually better. They allow the user to tailor the vapors to their desire. Some of the compounds in marijuana, the lighter molecules turn to gas faster and might be better suited in treating nausea. Increasing the temperature to get at the more dense cannabinoids provides access to the molecules that tend to interact more with pain receptors and in my opinion causes the drowsiness.
I think it is possible to get high several more times on the same amount through vaporization than traditional combustion. I call this re-vaping, and it increases the effectiveness of the machine at converting all the potential oils by allowing them to condense whilst giving the plant matter time to cool reducing the likely hood of combustion. This charred substance than can be refined even more using solvents, however nearly all the THC is already gone or nearly destroyed, and typically only the plants’ heavier cannabinoids are left. The cookies I made from this oil could have probably knocked out a baby rhino, somehow I managed to make it through Christmas dinner listening to a distant cousin jabber about mining uranium without anything but boredom showing. I hope that is true, who knows what my aunt was actually thinking about my appearances.
Purchasing a vaporizer and using it correctly will save greens, plus the whole being annihilated without the unhealthy smoking part.