I cannot escape.

Long has the darkness approached me. Long have I evaded its grasp, eluded its watchers, and foiled its threats. Now, though, it is upon me, with footsteps as the knell of doom. The drums of war echo behind it. The howls of wolves herald it. My mind shudders at its frigid approach. I am terrified.

I cannot escape.

The worst part of the terror is that I have created it. I could have done so much differently, but I am weak. Now I have a few hours before my demon catches me and I must do naught but despair. But perhaps there is some way out. I search frantically but find nothing. There are windows but they are too high. If only I had more time. It is very close now.

I cannot escape.

It is upon me now. It freezes my soul, the darkness. Slowly, in the agony of terror, I slip into its grasp.

I did not escape.