lights above, whatever you do do NOT do this...
Trust me.
EverCrack is flat out an
addiction. Eventually though, as with
drug use you will get fed up with the crap and will want to
move on with your
When this occurs and your
girlfriend continues to play the game, it will suck you back in. Over and Over and Over.
Eventually if you are really lucky (like me) they will leave you for
everquest because to quote "It is what I need in my life right now" -Ady 9/2002... or to
paraphrase "You don't play and all my
friends are on here and when you want to do things
in real life it takes me away from them and the
raids and the
ph4t l3wt y0."
wise fellows, if your
grrl has an
addictive personality, do NOT get her involved in
everquest. Hell, don't get her involved in
everquest regardless, be
smart and
QUIT WHILE YOU CAN. It's very hard to resolve
issues with
someone who is only interested in playing a game.
addictive game. Although now I understand how my
ex felt when I played... and all I can say for the
future is
never again.
Never. Get your woman involved in
Everquest and if you are seriously interested in the
relationship get yourself uninvolved with that game also if you can't control the amount of time you're spending in it.