user since
Thu Mar 15 2007 at 20:34:14 (17.9 years ago )
last seen
Fri Mar 16 2007 at 19:09:17 (17.9 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Art, Cooking, Cartooning, Political/Social humor, Tolkien
Atlanta College of Art/Schooner Bistro
Seek knowledge, be kind and endure
Send private message to Saint_Tuesday

I don't want to be long winded/worded here so until I become more familar with the enviroment and expectations here I will attempt to be brief.
I am a 38 year old male (Though at times I live under the delusion that I am 221 year old gnome) with two children of my own and three step children.
I am currently working from home as a free lance artist(Painting/Illustration/Sculpture)and acting as a stay at home Pop for my 6 month old daughter. Normally I also work as a chef.
I was born in Birmingham Alabama during the latter part of the civil rights movement here in America but spent most of my life until post college in Atlanta Georgia.
Following College I spent extended time and/or lived in London U.K., Tucson AZ, Lynchberg VA, San Francisco CA, Athens GA, Seattle WA, and currently have settled down in Astoria OR.
I consider my self a liberal by American standards.
If asked I declare myself to be an artist first and a chef second though I spent a large chunk of my life in accounting before I made the decision to chase an ify low profit line of work.
I dabble in writing however I am largely still cutting my teeth as far as that is concerned.
I wanted to be a scientist until I made the radical choice to attend Art School instead.
I am essentialy an athiestan tolerate no UFO/Bigfoot/Ghost/Mystic/Atlantist/ESP/Paranormal/Religious poppycock boo ha ha.
I am one of the few people left in the world who uses the word poppycock.
I am neither computer illiterate nor a wiz.
I prefer Apple products but am currently using a recycled HP as my primary computer due to a theft incident.
I did not mean this to be so dull nor so lengthy.
In the spirirt of that last statement I will write no least for now.