I sit, with the blinds and windows wide open to the elements.
Everything inside is turned off, no distractions.
I feel mist from the rain rushing in to caress me.
The world looks fuzzy though all the droplets parading to earth.
Like a celestial firework, the sky lights up, exposing it's details for a stray minute.
The deep rumble penetrates through my entire being.
I've tuned out everything else, enjoying nature's fierceness.
I remain aware that I'm not truly safe from it, as it can turn on you in a moment.
But only slightly, as I see the twisted fork snake through the air.
The crash a moment later rattles everything, but I hardly notice.
For a short period, I am totally relaxed by the fury.
I shall soon continue my life, my routine.
But for a moment. A moment of awe and beauty, from the chaos of the elements.