When I'm Walking the Streets (Psalm 23)


1) Since the Lord is My Shepherd I rest in His Grace,

He gives me His peace as I go place to place.


2) As I walk through this life where none seem to care,

He leads me to pastures and His love blossoms there.


Through His love and His peace I enter my dreams,

Where the truth of His Word washes like peaceful streams.


3) Through His sleep and His peace I wake up at length,

And by the food of His Word I regain all my strength.


4) When I walk thru the 'hood I know You are in me,

In the darkest night You are there for all to see.

I am guided in all my steps by the Word of life,

Through answered prayer I'm given peace from strife.


5) Everyday You provide mercies afresh from the windows of Heaven,

All those who trouble me, and despise You see the blessings I'm given.

Morning by Morning You douse me afresh with your Spirit,

Even in my fleshly wants You have provided all that really matters.

Eternal life in You.


6) Your most faithful love endlessly pursues me,

It chases me down until I can see.

All of my days are nothing without you.


Lord Your pursuit was worth every moment,

You are my shelter and my refuge.


Not a moment was lost, not a second wasted each day,

For I have been chastened, and You have provided the way.


I will rest in your Grace, and live as a Captive of your Presence.




The above rewriting of the 23rd Psalm came about when my Mum asked me to write a version of the 23rd Psalm based on my tough times of living on the streets. (I currently live on the couch of a Brother in Christ). Right now while not dealing with my multiple headed job search, I am doing the Work God prepared for me to do in advance as an Ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope that this verse has been of blessing to you. 
