Do you recall the advice of authority figures when you were a child? They would often say things like; "It's all fun and games till some one gets hurt." and "Be careful, you'll put your eye out." You may have been a better child than some of us and perhaps didn't get to hear this as often as I did. Nonetheless, I am sure you are familiar with the phrases and how little children heed such warnings. I have a theory that some of these people know what they are talking about. If your art instructor ever asks you to stop throwing quill pens at the desks, she may actually have a reason for her request. In my youth I was often reckless, I fancied myself above such restraints as common sense and good judgement, or so it seemed. I had discovered that the quill pens, when hurled properly, made a satisfying "Thunk" noise and would often stick in the soft wood of the drawing desks in the art rooms at my school. More than likely I was lost in some ridiculous daydream wherein I tossed such items as my quill pen with effortless ease and ninja like accuracy to save the damsel in distress from a Snidely Whiplash sort. Such was my youth that this sort of thing often occurred in the classroom when my attention should have been on the more pragmatic schoolwork set before me. I surely heard the instructor’s request to cease damaging her precious equipment; I was rarely so withdrawn that I would not respond to verbal requests. Perhaps it was her attempt to engage my attention that distracted me. More likely it was my decidedly UN-ninja like accuracy that resulted in the accident. Whatever the reason, my quill pen strayed from the course I had intended for it. In case your interested, the satisfying "Thunk" noise did not occur when the sharp end of the quill pen became lodged in my wrist. Upon entering the flesh of my tender wrist the quill pen performed its singular task well and discharged the payload of india black ink that had previously resided in the reservoir. Most of the ink simply ran off my hand and pooled on the desk. A small amount of the ink entered through the prick wound and stained my skin. In review of the incident I am forced to two conclusions. Firstly, it is very possible that the experience of elders may be helpful if heeded. Secondly, in my younger years I was a real jackass.