Computer graphics modelling technique using implicit surfaces. Also the nickname of the inventor of the technique, a computer science professor at the University of Calgary. Blobs are very useful for modelling smooth shapes, such as gummi bears and water balloons. They also turn out to be good for rendering hair and fur and flame and smoke in particle systems. Can be compared with NURBS, which have trouble with making smooth patches and forming good cusps.

As an example of what modelling with blobs would look like, imagine taking two point charges of like charge. They will form an electrostatic field. Each alone forms a radially-symmetric field, where any isosurface is a sphere. If the two points are brought together, the isosurfaces will distort towards each other, until they touch, and meld. (Think of silly putty.) Similarly, it is possible to have points with a negative charge. This is a fairly good way of thinking of modelling with blobs. You can also (sometimes) have lines as sources of the surfaces.