Anti-abortion activists call themselves pro-life as if everyone else is anti-life. I can't imagine anyone is truly anti-life. Charles Manson wanted to reduce the amount of human life on the planet, but he claimed it was for the benefit of the other life that humans are constantly overpowering. In an interview I saw, he said, "I'll kill me about 50 million people, then I can save my air, my trees, and my water."

What I find most odd is that many of the conservatives who are most adamantly anti-abortion are also in favor of the death penalty. That pretty much contradicts the whole "pro-life" line. Does a murderer have less rights than an unborn fetus? You decide.

The thing is, science can not tell us, in any way that we'll all agree on, when life begins. Is it at conception? If so, then God kills many lives simply by not letting them implant on the uterine lining. Is it when the heart begins to beat? Or is it when the fetus would be able to survive on its own? That time is constantly changing as we develop better and better medical technology for premature infants.

The other side of this question is when does life end? If someone is only being kept alive by machines and can't communicate at all, are they still alive? If someone is sitting in a nursing home eating all her meals through a straw and having CNA's change her diapers every few hours, and she can't speak to anyone in any way, we'd probably say she's still alive, but does she want to be? Does she even know she is?

Abortion stops a beating heart. So does euthanasia. But if we think it's okay to go to war and kill a bunch of people who want to live, why is it then wrong to kill a cancer victim who hardly lives at all, or a baby who will be born unloved, unwanted, addicted to crack?

Some people are so caught up in preserving quantity of life, they forget to consider quality.