To state my opinion by way of a slightly inaccurate generalization:

I think religion, in the sense in which it pertains to knowledge and information, is about believing what some other people a very long time ago may or may not have seen or heard on a few rare occasions, avoiding actual explanations of phenomena and resisting revision of accepted ideas. This is in contrast with my view of science, which I see as about believing in the mathematical and philosophical interpretations of mountains of data, which are gathered continually by all of the human senses and supersensory technological equipment, with the scientists also making use of experiment-facilitating technology, and then analyzing the data systematically, then repeating this, and giving up old ideas in light of convincing and overwhelming new evidence and theories.

Also, it is apparent that religion as well as science undergoes revision of ideas and paradigm shifts, but these are usually accomplished by a very small number of people in positions of great power, unlike in science, in which scientists championing revolutionary ideas, though they may be scorned at first, are accepted and have their ideas assimilated into our body of knowledge, as long as they have enough evidence to support them; they certainly aren't burned as heretics.

It seems to me that there is a slight difference, yet your point is still truly valid. Knowledge is fallible (is the knowledge that knowledge is fallible fallible?) no matter how it is gathered. Yet, some people believe that, according to the methods by which the knowledge is acquired and whether or not the knowledge is in a state of constant, unending revision so as to gain greater accuracy and respectability, which infrequently will include paradigm shifts, the level of fallibility changes.

Note that I understand that we are not necessarily proceeding towards a better understanding with every step we take, but that it seems evident that, in science, that overall we are moving forward. The same cannot be said for religion, though the general function of religion has long been divorced from the collection and advancement of knowledge.