Heartily agree with all of the above, and I hope everything works out for everyone. I wouldn't have felt the need to add anything, but I just wanted to quickly get this off my chest:

Whoever softlinked "faggot", "Burn In Hell", "Ain't That a Shame" and "deserve to die", down below there - you're a fucking degenerate piece of shit, and I hope your cock drops off. You don't agree with a node? Add a writeup or /msg the owner. If you don't agree with an opinion, that's fine, you're free to say what you like. You think homosexuality is wrong? Add a writeup explaining your own opinion. If it's so fucking wrong, and you're so fucking right, at least have the balls to put your fucking name to it. You softlinking cowardly motherfuckers make me puke, you really do, especially with this fucking Nazi bullshit. You obviously feel strongly enough to go to the trouble of softlinking, so let us know why. Who knows, maybe your cleverly worded argument will actually convince us all, and we'll run those gays out of town. I kind of doubt it, though, if you're going to use the same old tired "oh, it's in the Bible" bollocks. (In the Bible, eh? Yeah, so is the magical creation of this planet with two talking humans in seven days - no dinosaurs, though, funny that, you'd think there'd be some record of where all those big-ass bones came from. If you're going to quote the Bible, remember that it can't be taken literally, and is a rough translation at best.) And for fuck's sake don't start whining about free speech, just don't fucking give me that - if you're so concerned about free speech, use it to make your case, don't just throw anonymous insults around the place and claim the moral high ground.

This place is for people who, while not necessarily always agreeing, at least have the decency not to be fascist scumsuckers. Now don't get me wrong - I love a good softlink slagging as much as anyone, it's made me laugh several times. But this shit just isn't funny. E2 is better than this.

By the way, while we're on the subject of softlinking - you know your radical idea about softlinking to one of the "radical idea" softlink nodes? Yup, you guessed it. Think up some new jokes, yeah?