Whether it's because you've had enough of all those power-mad editors and their antics, you're tired of the personal attacks and backbiting that goes on in the Chatterbox, or you just don't have anything to say anymore, you have made the decision to leave E2 for good.

Well first of all, congratulations! There's a whole big, bright world out there beyond this site just waiting for an enterprising person to make their mark on it. Now is your chance to catch up on your correspondence; hook up with old friends you haven't seen in years; learn a new skill; maybe even write that novel or symphony you've been dreaming about all these years. Seriously, you'll be amazed at how much more time you have on your hands once you're no longer immersed in the nodegel.

But now that you have made the decision to go--how should you do it?

If you are leaving out of anger, frustration, or despair, you may be tempted to make a dramatic gesture to mark your departure. Some noders have /msg'd the editors en masse to announce that they are fed up. Others have written angry nodes blasting E2 and those who run and/or contribute to it. Some have even "pulled an Asamoth" and vandalized their contributions to the database.

Though it goes against every impulse you are feeling right now, please consider NOT doing this. It is akin to throwing a tantrum in the middle of a party and storming out. The reaction of those left behind (many of whom have no idea what the issue was) is often embarrassment, amusement, or contempt. Your reputation is on the line here, and I'm not talking about the kind that's measured in votes. Even if you never see these people again, it's likely that someday you will look back on your behavior and think "Good lord, whatever possessed me to make such an ass out of myself over a WEBSITE?".

The best course of action? Drop out quietly. If there are people you want to keep in touch with, privately let them know of your decision and how they can reach you. If the cause of your leaving is an issue the editors or gods should be made aware of, send a brief message to dem bones explaining in a calm, rational manner what your beef was. If the gods are the problem and you have already made your feelings about the issue clear, remember that the more time you spend engaged in arguments you can't win, the longer you are stuck here on E2.

And you don't want to be on E2 anymore.

So get out of here already, you knucklehead!