The conviction that your role-playing character's adventures will be just as fascinating to strangers as they were to those actually present during the game is a madness that overtakes the best of us from time to time. Far and away the best advice anyone can offer in that case is FIGHT IT WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.

Mind you, sometimes they are fascinating. Some gaming stories are genuinely funny or (much more rarely) compelling. Some great storytelling can be gleaned from those Dr Pepper and beef jerky-fueled nights when everything comes together just right. (See Eric and the Gazebo.)

But pretty much nobody wants to hear about your damn character - what his stats were, what he carried with him, how totally BOSS he was. Your audience's eyes will glaze over as you give them a detailed description of his dragon-horse hybrid war mount, and they may lapse into a state of slack-jawed semiconsciousness when you begin enumerating the kingdoms he single-handedly conquered.

If you must talk about your character, find the one interesting bit about him that can be summed up in thirty seconds or so and stick to that. ("My character Lump believed that astronomer Carl Sagan was his real father, and whenever he saw Carl Sagan he'd chase him down the street yelling at him to admit it to the world.")

Also bear in mind that boring people with long descriptions of your damn character may provoke them to do the same to you as soon as you run out of breath.