An amazing movie.
Stars Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe, Jamey Sheridan, and Laura San Giacomo.

Warning - spoilers below.

A summary of the movie:
Episode 1 - The Plague
In the California desert, a top-secret government testing lab suddenly has a major containment breach. A deadly, flu-like virus has been unleashed and the one man who could stop the spread of the disease has fled the compound with his family. He gets only as far as a small town in Texas where the military sets out to stop the epidemic by rounding up as many townspeople as they can and flying them to a disease-control lab in Vermont. But it is a losing cause. Thousands of people are dying. There are sudden warnings of a "darkman" who will take over the world. A few people, however, seem strangely immune: Stu Redman (Gary Sinise), one of the Texas residents; Fran Goldsmith (Molly Ringwald), a young pregnant woman in Maine, and her friend, Harold Lauder (Corin Nemec); Larry Underwood (Adam Storke), a rock singer in New York; and Nick Andros (Rob Lowe), a deaf-mute hitchhiking through Arkansas. Nick is having strange dreams about an elderly black woman, Mother Abigail (Ruby Dee), who is beckoning him to join her in Nebraska. Meanwhile, in Arizona, a failed robbery attempt leads to the first apparition of the "darkman," Randall Flagg (Jamey Sheridan). In Vermont, Stu Redman is also having dreams about Mother Abigail. When he realizes that everyone else in the compound is dead, Stu sets out to find this mysterious woman who is beckoning him. The journey has begun.

Episode 2 - The Dreams
The deadly virus has now spread coast-to-coast. In Maine, Fran Goldsmith is burying her father. She and her friend Harold both find they are dreaming of Mother Abigail. Larry Underwood is wandering the deserted streets of New York when he encounters Nadine Cross (Laura San Giacomo) who, like him, has had visions of Mother Abigail. In Indiana, a pyromaniac, "Trashcan Man" (Matt Frewer), is setting afire everything he can find. He is having dreams about his new savior, the "darkman," Randall Flagg. Meanwhile, in Nebraska, Mother Abigail is awaiting the arrival of those who will join her in creating a new world. Around the country, survivors are beginning to find each other. Stu Redman finds Glen Bateman (Ray Walston) and they later join up with Fran and Harold. In Oklahoma, Nick Andros encounters Tom Cullen (Bill Fagerbakke), a mildly retarded man who quickly finds a soul mate in Nick. Together they have a run-in with a young woman, Julie (Shawnee Smith), whom they find so frightening that they leave her behind. Larry and Nadine are still traveling together, but Nadine is suddenly having strong dreams about Randall Flagg. His pull is too compelling: She heads for Las Vegas where Flagg is setting up his community. But slowly, those called by Mother Abigail are reaching Nebraska. She and her new flock are ready to make a stand.

Episode 3 - The Betrayal
Las Vegas has now become the headquarters for Randall Flagg's evil clan. Meanwhile, Mother Abigail has taken her growing band of followers to Boulder, Colorado. Stu Redman and Fran Goldsmith have become lovers, which outrages Harold and makes him easy prey for Flagg. Mother Abigail begins to organize a council of leaders, and slowly some semblance of normal life starts to return. A new arrival in Boulder is Nadine Cross. No one knows that Randall Flagg has been priming Nadine to exert his influence on Mother Abigail's followers. The council decides to send out spies to see what Flagg is up to, choosing people unlikely to raise much suspicion. In Nevada, one of the spies, Tom Cullen, slips into Flagg's camp. Because Tom is retarded, he is easily accepted. Back in Boulder, Nadine, at Flagg's urging, has taken up with Harold, who is still fuming about the romance between Stu and Fran. Nadine causes Harold to commit a horrible crime, which results in the deaths of many people. Mother Abigail knows it is time for the final stand against Flagg, and selects four men headed by Stu Redman to lead the charge against the purveyor of evil.

Episode 4 - The Stand
Two sets of travelers are heading west: Nadine and Harold, and the group selected by Mother Abigail to face down Randall Flagg. Nadine has been told by Flagg to ditch Harold. Doomed to obey his commands, she quickly does. In Nevada, Flagg can identify all the spies but one: Tom Cullen remains a mystery to him. But Tom's identity is revealed to Flagg by Julie, the girl Tom and Nick had earlier deserted. Flagg is pleased, but a bigger problem erupts. Nadine, who had become his personal woman, suddenly turns against him. Soon, others begin to rebel against Flagg. Back in Boulder, Fran, who is about to give birth, is having dreams that show Stu to be in great danger. Actually, Stu and the others sent to confront Flagg are still alive, but Stu has been badly hurt and is left behind as they get closer to Flagg's camp. When the rest of the team arrives in Las Vegas, Flagg captures them and gathers his followers to watch their demise. But the death and destruction Flagg has inflicted has taken its toll: A rebellion against him is about to break out. The stand against evil predicted by Mother Abigail is about to be realized and, with the birth of Fran's child in Boulder, the renewal of mankind begins.