There was nothing about today a healthy dose of amphetamines couldn't fix. Unfortunately, I have no such miracle cures.

Following a weekend with beautiful girl I was exhausted and had completed none of the work I was supposed to. She left in the early morning, and I found that I simply couldn’t get out of bed. Forgot all of my obligations, turned off my alarm, and slept far far too late. Had vivid and rather strange dreams for a couple of hours, and then woke in a sweat in the early afternoon.

After waking I found that I couldn’t shake this depression. Ran a few errands, the most productive of which was making an appointment with the auto-body shop to get my car door fixed. I'm really tired of climbing in and out of the passenger-side.

Tonight was spent drifting, and to be honest I cant even remember half of the things I did. I listened to my new Elvis Costello disc and cruised e2, wrote a few write-ups that I'm not particularly proud of.

I have to go to sleep now. I really hope that tomorrow will be better. As Nina said "It's a new dawn, it's a new day"

I wish it was that simple.

I should never node when I'm depressed