Ribofemigenesis is the
Christian scientific study of how
God made
Eve (the
feminine of the human species, or 'kind') from
rib. This is generally a required subject of study in modern Christian middle school science courses, covering the required anatomy and physiology component of Creation science coursework. It is noted that the
Bible does not provide much in the way of scientific detail as to the ribofemigenesis of Eve, stating only (in Genesis 2:21–22) that:
God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Physiologically, the primary questions sought to be answered by ribofemigenesis are: firstly, from which side of Adam's body was the rib taken; secondly, which rib was taken from that side; thirdly (and perhaps most importantly), was Adam created with an extra rib which was taken, leaving Man with his current number of ribs, or was Adam created with the usual number of ribs, thereafter living with one fewer rib than normal; fourthly, was only the bone constituting the rib removed, or was there rib meat, blood, and other bodily substance; and fifthly, what was the exact physiological process by which the rib was transformed into a woman. For each of these questions ribofemigeneticists use a combination of intensive Biblical
prayer, and comparison of the features of female physiology to those of male ribs.
From these methodologies, it has generally been agreed that the rib was taken from Adam's left side, because man loves woman, and the heart -- which is located on the left side -- is the physiological seat of love. But as to the specific rib, there is great dissension. According to science, the human rib cage contains twelve pairs of ribs, the first seven being 'true' ribs which are individually connected to the sternum, followed by some number of 'false' ribs which share a common cartilaginous connection, followed by a few 'floating' ribs, which are unconnected to the sternum entirely. The general consensus of ribofemigenecists is that, because woman is meant to be true to man, woman must have been fashioned from one of the true ribs. But from there a dilemma arises; for the ribs from first through seventh grow progressively longer. Some schools of ribofemigenecism note that woman is meant to be obedient to man, and so must have been made from one of the lower true ribs. But since the lowest true rib is, as well, the longest, it might make woman haughty and ungovernable to have been fashioned from such a rib. And, it is observed, man is generally taller and stronger than woman, and so it is unlikely that woman was made from man's longest rib. As between the remaining options, the fourth, fifth, and sixth true ribs, sound scriptural arguments can be made in support of any one of these, and so the question remains a point of heated, sometimes violent, dispute.
But however astringent the disagreements may be over which rib was taken, these pale against the vitriol surrounding the question of whether the rib taken was a thirteenth rib (leaving Adam with the twelve now had by men), or whether it was one of an original twelve, leaving Adam with eleven ribs. Wars have been fought over this question, and theologians beheaded for holding the wrong position as the winds of the Church shifted from side to side. The primary argument favoring a thirteenth rib is the presence of thirteen people at the
Last Supper. Additionally it is pointed out that man bears the burden of being woman's master, and so this burden ought to be reflected for all times with man having lost his thirteenth rib. Contrariwise, it is pointed out that with respect to the distribution of bones man has been made generally symmetrically, and an additional rib would introduce a displeasing asymmetry. And, it is keenly noted, woman has twelve ribs herself, despite having given nothing to the creation of man (and, indeed, despite having precipitated the
Fall through her acceptance of the
Leaving this question aside, the remaining questions have generated disagreement, but not so much as to engender violence. Biblical literalists insist that the reference to removal of a 'rib' means the rib bone and nothing more. But there are counters who press for a more metaphorical interpretation, wherein 'rib' is taken to include some portion of the attached
muscle tissue, and the
blood of man. After all, it is plead, how could woman have a time during the month where she is 'unclean' and must hide her shameful condition if she did not have blood within her from the start? And, lastly, as to the fashioning, here general agreement again prevails, the consensus being that woman's head was shaped from the end of the rib connecting to the chest (again making woman close to man's heart, which is meant to govern her head), and the feet from the end of the rib connecting to the
spine (explaining why man feels that woman is standing on his back all the days of his life).
Whatever the tangled issues that surround this field of study, it stands as a vital enquiry of Creation science, along with
baraminology and flood geology. It is assured that these remaining questions will be answered in good time, through advances in genetics and divination.