"If everybody were perfectly clear that they
were a manifestation of the divine being,
nothing very much would happen."
~~ Alan Watts

One might think it quite difficult, if not impossible, to create a video game exemplifying the fundamental propositions of the theological theory of Pandeism (the Creator becoming, literally, everything) -- but here it is; it has been done!!, with a game fittingly titled "Everything" and containing commentary culled from the astounding pandeistic observations of Alan Watts. And--as one might not be surprised to learn from a game pandeistically prepared for the PlayStation called "Everything"--you, the player, are able to play as literally anything in the Universe of the game. As a proton; as a pebble; as a piano; as a planet; and beyond, puzzling through challenges to be able to jump back and forth at different levels of magnitude and magnanimity.

The diversity of interactions is infinite, but the lesson is ultimate -- that there is no greater game than being and existing and experiencing as everything there is.

And that's it, that's Everything.

177 words for Brevity Quest 2017