Well if it's possible to
blink your eyes and move a Universe it can't be all
that much harder to create a
Universe. Indeed, every time we mix a
amber hues merging into
rays of translucent
red, we are generating a
cloud of swirling, darting
molecules to rival the complexity of an equivalently scaled star-birthing pillar of
nebula. Our Universe, naturally, is vast
beyond comprehension, but that doesn't mean that all Universes must be so!!
cosmologist Paul Davies has speculated that it may be possible to create a new '
baby Universe' in the
lab (provided that the lab is thousands of
light years from
Earth, please, as a safety precaution) by stretching out a bit of
space-time until it forms a
pocket, and then twisting that pocket off of the Universe we know. He goes so far as to suggest that if many Universes exist, and some have
laws of physics that make them more conducive to birthing baby 'verses, and some of those baby 'verses have even more suitable sets of laws for this purpose, then Universes will tend to evolve toward those most apt to birth new ones.
But, so far as we know, there is no
resource over which these Universes must engage in
competition for their continued
survival and
reproduction, creating no opportuity for
natural selection. But what a grand
spectacle that would be (for surely it would ultimately benefit a Universe at some point in this battle to evolve
intelligence, a powerful
weapon in the
arsenal of
An even simpler way to create a Universe may be to just make a
decision. I've long suspected that at every juncture where a decision must be made, and the deciding is a close event, the following of one
path immediately spins off an alternate Universe wherein the other path was chosen. Mull this: well over six billion people on the
planet Earth at this moment, of whom many must make a hard-fought decision or two each day, some making a dozen close calls before lunch. Do I buy or sell today? Should we tell the kids about mommy's
illness yet? My
starting power forward is looking tired, should I sub in the backup and risk sparking a run by the other team? The
soup or the
salad? Do I
love her?
If each of those decisions 'spin off' a new Universe, that's billions more each day -- and every single one of them would in turn spin off billions more each day, just as ours continues to. The numbers almost instantly escape comprehension, but if a way could be found to pierce whatever barrier it is that separates these creations, the
tourism opportunities would be priceless.
Now, should I
post this writeup -- or not?