The Tea Party have rediscovered their edge.

The Tea Party's sixth album, The Interzone Mantras, is a return to the feel of earlier Tea Party albums. Certainly the sound has moved on from the days of Splendor Solis and The Edges of Twilight, but the rock has returned to The Tea Party's music. Transmission was a radical shift in direction for the band, experimenting with loops and electronic sounds. After this album, Tryptech seemed to bring the band back a couple of notches. The music was still great, the quality hadn't dropped at all. There was just a certain agression lacking from the songs.

The Interzine Mantras is not really an agressive album, but there is an underlying power to the music, that's good to see return. With fewer exotic instruments obvious on this album, it's a triumphant return to the guitar riff. There is even the odd guitar solo!

The sounds range from pounding riffs, to songs that remind you that ballads need not be corny, or written to a formula. And listening, I can't help but imagine the songs performed live - and all I can picture is the crowd entering a frenzy - so many of the songs seem like they were almost written to be performed live.

Release Dates:
The Interzone Mantras, EMI Music Canada, 2001