Which WWF superstar has appeared in more main events than anyone else? Hulk Hogan? "Stone Cold" Steve Austin? The Rock? No. That honor belongs to Earl Hebner, the senior official in the WWF.

Hebner was born May 17, 1950 in King William County, Virginia. He began refereeing for the WWF in 1988, and his popularity has since risen to cult status (although perhaps not to Mideon-level standards), culminating in a match against rival WCW senior official Nick Patrick at the Invasion Pay-Per-View of 2001. Hebner was also involved in staging a referee strike after his referee crew was ceaselessly attacked by angry wrestlers. His brother Dave Hebner, normally a road agent for the WWF, stepped in as a scab referee.

Outside of the quickly-settled strike, Hebner is a tireless worker, having broken both arms and having had surgery performed on both knees. He suffered a brain aneurysm just prior to Wrestlemania XIV. He watched the event from a hospital bed while the superstars of the WWF wore black armbands in honor of Earl.

Despite being the senior official, Earl is often distracted by the rather amateur ploys of those involved in his matches. He will often allow himself to get involved in breaking up a quarrel outside the ring, while illegal interference occurs inside the ring. Hebner also has a habit of positioning himself in a manner that makes it easy for others to pull him out of the ring.

Minor flaws aside, one would most likely rather have Hebner officiating a match than Tim White, or -- God forbid -- Teddy Long. Hebner always calls it down the line, and is rarely involved in a fast count (although Jerichoholics may remember otherwise).