With TenMinJoe's permission, I would like to suggest a second possible usage for this year's scripts: I want to make an animation out of at least one of them. I've been wanting to try my hand at claymation for years, and people keep telling me I should. I need a script though, and I don't really do fiction myself.

My basic requirements are the same as Joe's - I want a 60-second script without excessively complicated staging. I'm pretty new at this animation thing, after all, so I'd like to be challenged but not overwhelmed. Two other things would make an entry especially suitable for my needs: Ideally I should be able to cast non-humans as the protagonists, and it would be nice if there's the potential for a bit of background detail to work with. I'll eventually need a voice recording of the script, too, but that can always follow later (it's possible I might be able to use the recordings made from the live performance, but I'd rather not rely on that and it may be tricky to obtain permissions from all the actors). You might like to submit recordings for the E2 Podcast, too.

All animation-script submissions should be dual-use - feel free to make animation-specific suggestions in your script, but do not rely on them. On the whole I'd prefer to fill in most of the details of the direction myself, in any case.

Note that each script entered in the quest will qualify the author for a standard 10XP blessing, whether or not it looks like something I could animate.

To give you some idea of how the final result might look, examples of my sculpture work can be found at http://oolong.co.uk/colmod.htm and my sculpture blog, http://oolong.co.uk/zoo