A classic book by Muriel Spark about a unique teacher, published in 1961. The setting is Edinburgh, Scotland and Miss Brodie is a teacher in her "prime," at the Marcia Blaine School for Girls. The group of girls closest to her are examined through the course of the novel. They all wear uniforms, but each wear their hats a little different in correlation with their distinct personalities.

The future of each girl is suggested early in the novel, foreshadowing the interesting story to come. One girl will die in a fire at a young age, and one girl will be "famous for sex" in her not-too-distant future. One girl will betray Miss Brodie.

Jean Brodie introduces the girls to new and often absurd ideas about life. While her control over the youths fades as they age, her impression never really disappears.

Since I loved the book so much, I rented the film version, but was somewhat disappointed with it.

Other books by Muriel Spark include:
Loitering with Intent
Aiding and Abetting
A Far Cry from Kensington
The Girls of Slender Means