William Clark Gable was born on February 1, 1901 in Cadiz, Ohio. When he was born, he was mistakenly listed as a female on his birth certificate. His mother died when he was seven months old, and he quit school at age 16.

Gable worked at a tire factory before he became one of the biggest film stars in Hollywood history. He married and divorced Josephine Dillon and Rhea Langham- Dillon was 14 years older than he and Langham was 17 years older. He was married to Carole Lombard until she died in a plane crash, then he later married Kay Spreckles, whom he stayed with until his death. He had an illegitimate daughter with Loretta Young named Judy Lewis.

Worth noting: Adolf Hitler thought most highly of Gable, above all other film stars, and during the war he offered a reward to anyone who could capture Gable and bring him to him unharmed.

When Gable took off his shirt in "It Happened One Night," revealing bare skin without an undershirt, sales of undershirts significantly dropped.

Gable died on November 16, 1960 of a heart attack while in L.A.

His award include: 1935 Oscar Winner for Best Actor in "It Happened One Night"
1936 Oscar Nominee for Best Actor in "Mutiny on the Bounty"
1940 Oscar Nominee for Best Actor in "Gone With The Wind"

Some of his films include:

"The Painted Desert"
"Red Dust"
"No Man of Her Own"
"Too Hot to Handle"
"Cain and Mabel"
"Wings Up"
"Combat America"
"Watch the Birdie"
"Teacher's Pet"
"Band of Angels"
"The Misfits"

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