Let F be a field. The intersection of all subfields of F is itself a subfield, called the prime subfield of F.

Proposition The prime subfield of F is either isomorphic to Q or Zp, for a prime p.

Definition We say that F has characteristic zero if it has prime subfield isomorphic to Q and characteristic p if it has prime subfield isomorphic to Zp.

Proof of the proposition: Let P be the prime subfield. Since it is a subfield of F it contains 1F. We need some notation. If n is a positive integer define n.1F=1F+....+1F for n copies of 1F added together. We define -n.1F=-(n.1F) and 0.1F=0F. With this notation it is easy to check that

There is a function f:Z-->P defined by f(n)=n.1F. The two previous formulae show that f is a ring homomorphism. The kernel is an ideal of Z. Since Z is a principal ideal domain there exists a (nonnegative) integer n such that the kernel consists of all multiples of n.

There are two possibilities. Either

  1. n>0
  2. n=0
Consider case 1. first. Note that we cannot have n=1 since we cannot have 1F=0F. Now I claim that n must be prime. For if n=rs, with r,s> 1, then we can think about
By the choice of n we have that r.1F and s.1F are nonzero. Since P is a field r.1F is therefore a unit. Multiplying the equation by its inverse we deduce that s.1F=0. This contradiction shows that n=p is prime.

Thus by the first isomorphism theorem the image of f is isomorphic to Zp. The image of f is therefore a field. Since it is a subring of F contained in P it must coincide with P, proving one part of the proposition.

Consider case 2. Since the kernel is {0} f is injective. Consider the field of fractions of the image of f as a subring of F. Clearly this coincides with P and is isomorphic to Q.


  • Q,R,C all have characteristic zero, as does any subfield of C.
  • A finite field has characteristic p, for a prime p (there isn't room in a finite field for Q). But not all fields of finite characteristic are finite. For example, consider rational functions in one variable K(x) over a finite field. This field has finite characteristic, but infinitely many elements. Another example is the algebraic closure of a finite field.