A: Awareness
When in a fight, look around and try to discern who is a threat and who is not. Also, try to discover how the odds play out- are you out matched? Does your opponent(s) have weapons? If so, does that work for or against you?

B: Bravery
To walk into a fight or any other kind of altercation you must be brave. There is no place for cowardice when the time is at hand.

C: Cunning
The most powerful muscle in the human body is in the last place people think to look for it: your head. The brain is capable of overcoming any power on this planet if it is applied correctly and with enough focus. You've got it; use it.

D: Distance
If you can keep your opponent away from you, they will find it more difficult to harm you. Stand your ground, but keep your opponent away from your person if at all possible.

E: Efficiency
Waste nothing. Every move you make should be precise and with purpose, efficient. Inefficient action wastes energy, which is precious in times of danger. The less you exert yourself, the better off you will be later.

F: Fear
In contrast to Bravery, it is wise to go into every conflict with at least some amount of fear. It is healthy. It is what will help you use your Cunning. But do not let it rule you. Acknowledge your fear, but do not give in to it. Fear leads to doubt and you must never doubt yourself, lest you give your opponent the upper hand. Realize that someone (you or your opponent) is most likely going to walk away hurt when all is said and done. Accept it so that it will not thwart you at a critical moment.

G: Gravity
Use it to your advantage, always. If you leave the ground too much (jumping), you make yourself prone to attack. If you find yourself on the ground, you're not doing something right. Learn your center of gravity well, learn how to pivot, dive, lean, gain leverage and balance. Let gravity guide you- it has only one direction, so the map is easy to follow.

H: Honor
Your ego can be just as dangerous as fear. Be confident, yes, but do not let your ego make things appear different from reality. Know also that, no matter how strong you may feel, there is always someone out there who is stronger, wiser, faster, smarter or better trained. Always.

I: Instinct
There is information all around you and you are constantly taking it all in, whether you know it or not. Most of this information is instinctual. Listen to your instincts. When you feel the urge to move, that is usually the correct action to take- even if you cannot rationally understand why.

J: Justice
Learn it, understand it and live by it. Justice is not always "eye for an eye." Nor is it "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Justice has a fine line that shifts at a moment's notice, but it is always there, waiting for you to acknowledge its presence.

K: Knowledge
Know your limits. Know your opponent. Know your surroundings. Know your options. Know the consequences of your actions. Know the facts. Know your allies. Know that you can always avoid physical harm, both to yourself and others. Know everything you can before you act.

L: Lessons
There are lessons to learn and there are lessons to teach. Be aware of both at all times. Each experience is a lesson, for those who open their eyes. What can/will you learn from this fight?

N: Nobility
If you have won, you have the option of embracing human nobility. You do not have to cause more harm. You have made your point. True victory is in creating peace; peace is the highest of human nobilities. Keep that in mind. It is preferable, however, that you use your nobility long before it comes to the point of necessity.

M: Motion
A standing target is an easy target to hit. Do not stand still. Move, move, move. Keep your opponent off balance and do not let him/her get their bearings. If they wish to harm you, then make them work for it.

O: Observe
Watch your opponent carefully. Are they right- or left-handed? Are they preparing for a kick or a lunge? Are their hands balled up into fists or are they open and ready to grapple? Are your opponent's eyes locked on yours or are they looking over your shoulder? Where are the shadows? Is your opponent wearing jewelry? Are they scared? Is there a significant difference in size?

P: Precision
Every move you make must be precise and exact. Pick your target and strike it decisively, with focus. Do not let yourself become distracted by anything outside of you. One, perfectly aimed strike may be all it takes to ensure a fast victory.

Q: Quickness
Speed is your friend, but only when you commit to an action. Keep your mind steady and calm while your body moves fast and faithfully.

R: Run
Either to or from your opponent. There is no honor lost in either choice. But know where, exactly, you are running to and waste no time in getting there.

S: Strategy
Make a tactical, point-by-point map of what you're going to do at any given moment. Treat the fight like a chess game. Don't find yourself in checkmate.

T: Timing
Like a ballet or fine dance, fighting requires a fair amount of timing. Even though there might be an opening for attack, the time may not necessarily be right or it may not afford you the maximum potential.

U: Utility
If your opponent has a weapon, you may have a usable means of defense on your person without really knowing it. A shirt or jacket can be used as a shield against a knife. A belt can be used as a whip or restraint. A hat can be used to distract. A pen can be used, if done so properly, as a piercing weapon. Keys can be used in lieu of brass knuckles. The everyday items in your pockets can have defensive properties if used in alternative ways.

V: Vengeance
Avoid this at all costs. Vengeance flies in the face of Justice. Beware! A person who is blinded by vengeance or hate truly is blind and will most likely not see the consequences of their actions until it is too late.

W: Wisdom
The better part of valor is wisdom. Learn this well. Experience comes from a lack of wisdom; wisdom comes from experience.

X: X marks the spot
Pick your targets, pick your opponents, pick your fights, pick your refuge, pick your allies- but pick them all well.

Y: Yell
The Japanese call it "zin-shun." It is like a football player who shouts as he charges the quarterback. Is such a shout meant to throw the opponent off balance with fear or is it meant to urge oneself to continue? Perhaps it is both or neither. But a good battlecry makes a Viking's blood run hot. By the same token, the Chinese instruct us that it is possible to shout like a lion with but a whisper. In the end, though, if it is heartfelt, then that is how it should remain: in your heart. Yell in the deepst chasms of your heart and let it echo there until the deed is done.

Z: Zen
Keep calm. No matter how many friends you may have standing behind you, your sense of calm and composure, your ability to stay focused will be your greatest ally. Never lose control of yourself or the situation.