There is always such an expectation on NYE festivities.

Usually there is a lead up time of at least one month where you are regularly asked by friends, family, co-workers and the like " What are yer doin' fer New Years?"

Bah Humbug

I am usually as pumped for the NYE festivities as the next guy... I mean, why not? It usually involves good friends, good music, alot of beer, spirits & champagne... all good stuff!

So why is this year any different?

This year isn't any different at all!... and that is exactly my point. The concept is always the same, but each year the onus is always on having a good time. No, that's not right. It's all about have a blinder of a time. In fact, it has to be one of the best night's out of the waning year.

Add this to the expectation that this NYE celebration has always got to be just as good, if not better than the preceding years and you have one big expectation.

So... the parties get bigger, the tickets are always more expensive, the consumption levels are just obscene and in general things just end up getting messy.

On this basis I think my reticence is based on the fact that to outdo last years effort, I will have to end up in the Emergency Room with a tube down my gullet.

I maybe in the minority here, but I never work well under such great expectations.


My NYE party ended up being not-altogether-fowlTM and although I didn't have to get my stomach pumped, nor did I let my stomach contents see the world, I did feel rather ordinary on the 1st of Jan, 2001.