ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to witness a
Spontaneous Inventory
of Things Mental and Physical

Large and Small

Tattered and Torn
Forever and Ever
step right up step right up...

Two (2) Guided By Voices albums, used for noding purposes, a stack of Comics authored by Chris Ware for non-noding purposes (though, truthfully, they eventually became Node Fodder).

One (1) metronome

A pair of slippers given to the Subject by his Mother on the Morning of Christmas, 1996. Said Mother attains that the Slippers are the best Christmas gift she's ever given.

Two (2) mangoes, refrigerated, waiting to be enjoyed when there is Ample Sunlight for such a thing.

A Charles Mingus record, The Clown, on the phonograph, submerging the Subject's apartment in an Ocean of Pity and Jazz.

One (1) "Egyptian Musk" incense stick, purchased from a Street Vendor in New York City (yes, ladies and gentlemen, THE New York City!) and burned to subdue an Unearthly Stench what wafts from an unpinpointable location in the Subject's Apartment.

An overactive paranoid response concerning a Questionable Lover, applied from a previous night's Conversation concerning Her Sexual Orientation, nurtured during an afternoon's Conversation concerning Her Plans This Evening, and brought to full Maturity in the Subject's Brain during an evening of Beer and other Potentially Portentious Potables.

Insomnia. Forever and ever, until Drugs do We part.

Assorted Miscellany including, but not limited to, twenty-six (26) votes, a bag full of BIG tags, and a pocketful of Resentment intermingled with bits of Secret Hopes She'll Call and lint.

and no pants... not in this room.