The Bill of Rights, also known as the first ten amendments of the Constitution, are not always guaranteed to you. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the other amendments only refer to the federal government. That means that the federal government does not, for example, hold the power to restrict your freedom of speech.
However, the reconstruction amendments, the 13th, 14th, and 15th, expanded the protection, specifically the fourteenth amendmend. The 14th amendment gave birth to the incorporation theory, which incorporates the limits of the federal government to the states. Before then the states could restrict rights with police power.
The incorporation theory has been used in case law. The Supreme Court has been deciding which rights to incorporate. The rights in the first amendment, speech, religion, assembly, and petition, as well as most of the bill of rights have been incorporated. The second and third, the right to bare arms and the right against the quartering of soldiers, has not been incorporated through case law.